Today's Heartlift with Janell
Sometimes the story we tell ourselves is not really true. Sometimes the story others tell about us is not really true. On "Today's Heartlift with Janell," Author, Trauma-informed, board-certified marriage and family specialist, and Professional Heartlifter, Janell Rardon, opens conversations about how emotional health and mental fitness effects absolutely every area of our lives. When we possess and practice healthy, strong, resilient emotional health practices, life is so much better. Read Janell's newest book, "Stronger Every Day: 9 Tools for an Emotionally Healthy You."
Today's Heartlift with Janell
35. If Mama Ain't Behavin'
From the Archives: April 2019
While visiting Grandbirds in Uruguay, Janell revisits three foundational episodes, starting today with Episode 34 from April 2019.
This week is Episode 35 from April 2019.
Working from her second book, Overcoming Hurtful Words: Rewrite Your Story, Janell introduces the foundation of The Heartlift Method.
Join Janell on this replay of her three-week mini-series on the three-fold cord of emotional and spiritual health: a healthy sense of self, healthy behavior patterns, and healthy communication skills. Experts have shown that emotional intelligence is the foundation for personal and professional success. Janell adds spiritual authenticity, as well. And, as the old saying goes, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." We're changing that around just a bit to say, "If Mama ain't emotionally healthy, ain't nobody emotionally healthy."
As we move through 2025, every episode of the podcast and Substack newsletter is dedicated to "Mothering for the Ages."
Please order your copy of Overcoming Hurtful Words and follow along with Janell as she reads from the book: OHW on AMAZON.
Please download the PDF Guide to Overcoming Hurtful Words.
Ask Janell any questions or thoughts on mothering at Dear Heartlifter
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- Learn more about my books and work: Janell Rardon
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